Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1 2 3

When people says it is "as easy as 1 2 3", it means that it is very simple. The numbers "1 2 3" are referenced in more places that you can imagine. Here is a list of them

1. 1, 2, and 3 are whole numbers or integers.

2. They can only be divided by itself or divide by 1. (They are not all prime numbers. The number 1 is actually not considered as Prime number.)

3. They are stepped increments of 1. 

4. If you add or minus two of them you will get the third as a result. 1+2=3. 3-1=2, 3-2=1.

5. They are next three sequence of Fibonacci Number starting from 1.

6. People always use 1, 2, 3 as a signal to start something.

7. A chart pattern called 1-2-3 formation is used in liquid markets.

8. People always say "testing 1 2 3" to test microphones.

9. Foxtrot dance is 4/4 time signature but dancers often use 1_23 (slow, fast, fast) to teach the rhythm.

10. Waltz dancers usually learn the steps as 123.

11. The first few numbers in a Partition Function is 123.

12. It is the first few numbers of "Square free numbers".

13. If you search for "1,2,3", you get 1659 pages of integer sequences that contains the numbers.

14. If you search Google for "1,2,3" you get about 25,270 million results.

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