My Pilosophy (我的哲学)

If you insists that you are right, you stopped reasoning

The above is my favorite philosophy. Many people don't realize that their beliefs can be wrong. They will dogmatically deny others or even step over them to uphold their beliefs.

I stand on the neutral point.  I state my belief. If you don't agree, prove me wrong then.

The above philosophy is based on the neutral point. If one insists that he/she is right. Naturally he/she will not listen to others. That will leads to denial and shunting all other ideas. One should stand on belief but still looks at the arguments by others to see if the belief is still correct.

Obviously, there are beliefs that is passed down. Beliefs like religion which is vehemently protected by those who belief. A more moderate approach could be damaging to the belief. Therefore, I will hold on to my belief. But, it does not means my philosophy is compromised. There are apologetic in religion. It is in sync with my philosophy. Prove to the religious scholars. If they accept your argument then I will rethink my belief. Why pick on small fries like me?

There are beliefs that is not possible to prove. Neither can the non-believers prove it otherwise. Things like the existence of God. My stand point is not to prove whether God exists but rather "you prove that God does not exist".  In this way my philosophic though is still upheld. Why burden me to prove myself. If you think that I am wrong, prove me wrong then. You are trying to say that my belief is wrong why then ask me to prove myself is right? I am not trying to convince you on my belief. You are trying to un-convince me on my belief so you prove it to me. If you don't bother to do that, then why bother me?


以上是我最喜欢的哲学。 许多人没有意识到他们的信念可能是错误的。 他们会武断的否认别人,甚至跨过他们来维护他们的信念。

我站在中立点。 我陈述了我的信念。 如果你不同意,那么请证明我错了。

显然,有些信仰被传承下来。 宗教信仰受到信仰者的强烈保护。 温和的态度可能会损害这种信仰。因此,我会坚持我的信念。 但是,这并不意味着我的哲学受到了妥协。 宗教有护教学。 它会与我的哲学同步。 向宗教学者证明吧。 如果他们都接受你的论点,那么我会重新考虑我的信念。 为什么要针对我这样的小人物?

有些信念无法证明。 不信者也不能否证。 就像【上帝的存在】一样。 我的观点不是要证明上帝是否存在,是你该“证明上帝不存在”。 通过这种方式,我的哲学仍然得到保持。 为什么要让我证明自己。 如果你认为我错了,那你就证明我错了。 你试图说我的信念是错的,为什么要我证明自己是对的? 我并不是想说服你。 是你试图否证我的信念,所以你应该向我证明我的信念是错的。 如果你不愿意这样做,那么为什么要打扰我?

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