Monday, June 10, 2013

Hilarious translations

The following Chinese idiom translations are the results of using a popular online translator. Just for laughs. This list was posted by me on Facebook 3 years ago. A quick check shows that some translations have changed but is still not done properly.

烛照数计 - Reflecting the number of dollars. 
瞻云就日 - Bringing the cloud on the day.
坐地分赃 - Sit in spoils.
门可罗雀 - Wants to come.
安宅正路 - Ataka right track.
熬清守淡 - Light boil Kiyomori
懊悔无及 - No remorse and
覆水难收 - Spilled.
贾人渡河 - People crossing the river Jia.
安度晚年 - Dignity.
安家立业 - Know the industry.
按兵不动 - Do anything.
跋山涉水 - Hell and high water.
兵贵神速 - Bing your rapidly.
沧海桑田 - Marshes
超凡脱俗 - Valgarity
朝思暮想 - Dreaming
承前启后 - Carrying
赤子之心 - Santa Claus
飞黄腾达 - Apprentice
耳濡目染 - Osmosis
恩将仇报 - Good deed goes unpunished.
雕虫小技 - Fluff.
登堂入室 - Sexually explicit.
粗茶淡饭 - Bread and water.
开天辟地 - Exalted
爱屋及乌 - Love me, love my dog
东道主人 - Host who
狐假虎威 - Sure they
江郎才尽 - Downhill
口蜜腹剑 - Many men
怒发冲冠 - Bristle
青出于蓝 - Discerned
人不可貌相 - All in vain
日暮穷途 - Higurashi dead
如鱼得水 - Like a duck
三顾茅庐 - Highlighting
蜀犬吠日 - Shu bark day
投鼠忌器 - Then a legislator
退避三舍 - Tremble
卧薪尝胆 - Stooping to conquer
削足适履 - Procrustean
一鼓作气 - Big bang
鹬蚌相争 - Dogs fight
与狐谋皮 - Leather and fox plan
鱼目混珠 - Confused
指鹿为马 - Pretty
只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针 - As long as something deep strokes fell great oaks
伯樂識馬 - Ma Bole knowledge
得隴望蜀 - S love
後顧之懮 - Speaks the rear
雞犬昇天 - villagers live heaven
金石為開 - Gold stone
言猶在耳 - Ringing in ears
飲水思源 - Drink from the source
約法三章 - Three point law
招搖過市 - Streets
駟馬難追 - Sima difficult to recover
工欲善其事必先利器 - Bad times must tool
色是假,美是空 - Color is empty, the United States is empty.
吉人自有天相 - Yoshihito own days with
吃得苦中苦,方為人上人 - Makes friends, adversity, square man Master
金玉其外敗絮其中 - Fair without foul within
若要人不知除非己莫為 - If people do not know is done by night
病從口入禍從口出 - Loose lips from mouth disease
差之毫釐失之千里 - Loss of a thousand miles of the least bit bad
殺雞焉用牛刀 - Chickens Yanyong chopper
旁觀者清,當局者迷 - Bystander, gamesters
欲加之罪,何患無辭 - Deep impact speech, piece of cake speech
混水摸魚 - Fish in troubled waters
冤家宜解不宜結 - Enemies should not end solution
跑了和尚跑不了廟 - Temple monks stand it ran
置之死地而後生 - Purchase of the resurrection
新官上任三把火 - New broom sweeps clean
滄海一栗 - Sea a chestnut
需要為發明之母 - The need for the mother of invention
緣木求魚 - Fish in the air
謀事在人成事在天 - With man disposes
千里送鹅毛 - A walk in goose feather
先声夺人 - Sound loaded

As on 1 October 2014, There are a few which returns only the Pinyin in English. At least Google translate recognized that it is not able to translate some of the phrases.

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