Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cycling Support Vehicle

Cycling with support vehicle is an ideal. There are many functionaries that can be provided by the vehicle. Support vehicles are especially useful on long distance tours. The following are some of the functionaries that I have observed over the years.


1. Must be able to load about 5 bicycles including the riders.
2. Carry medical chest.
3. Warning signs at the rear to alert other vehicles that cyclist are ahead.
4. Clearly marked so that cyclist know it is a support vehicle.
5. Able to provide mechanical assistance to the cyclist (repairs).
6. Ideally should have a co-pilot so that the driver can concentrate on driving.
7. Carry the camping gears on long trips.
8. Food and drink are made available.
9. Communicating equipment should be made available.
10. Knows the route well.


1. Must have hazard lights blinking all the time.
2. Where possible, stay at the rear of the cycling group.
3. Watch out for worn out cyclists and to advice them to stop.
4. Provide sweeper functionality.
5. Act as mobile watering and food point.

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