Monday, May 06, 2013

What it takes to be an event organizer

To avoid fellow members from being agitated by this post, no names and specific description of the actions will be mentioned.

I am a member of a social club. It recently organized an event. It is a tough event that requires a lot of efforts from its member. Most of the members have not done such activity of this magnitude.

The very first thing to be done is to get members to participate. Since the event is not an easy one, not many wish to participate. A lot of efforts is done just to get enough people to take part. At one time, I was wondering whether there will be enough participants.

With enough trainers available, the organizer started a training schedule. Unfortunately, the attendance is less than enthusiastic. At times, less than a handful turned up for the training. At other times, the training is cancelled due to no response at all.

Some members did not even realize the challenge they are facing thus dropped out after trying it out during initial phase of the training. In the end, less than half of the intended group size took up the full challenge. Some members only took up part of the challenge.

As a group, it is natural that a T shirt is chosen to highlight the group during the activity. Again, the respond is mostly muted. I do understand that many prefer not to don such T shirts for a informal event. When the T shirts were finally done, one member even passed an uncanny remarks about it. So much for the effort.

Since the event starting point is quite a distance away, the organizer proposed to arrange for a transport to take the members there. The cost will be split among the members. The arrangement is cancelled due to very poor response. Members end up having to make it to the starting point on their own.

An effort is also done by the organizer to get supporters and helpers from other non participating members. This also ends in disaster. The organizer had to ask for external help. It is fortunate that there are kind souls that come forward to be counted.

During training, repeated instructions about safety and guidelines were given. Yet on the actual event day, some members did not heed the instructions and end up with accidents. Luckily it is only minor accidents.

Specific paths and actions were detailed and given to members. Yet on the actual day, members requested to take short cuts to avoid some difficult maneuvers. Some even said the paths taken is meaningless waste of effort. It is the challenge that is laid up for the members. If members wish to avoid such challenges then what is the point of having the challenges? At one point the organizer is so agitated that he burst out quite strong words about members' participation.

It is interesting that no costs were ever mentioned about the food and drink and other incurred costs. I guess the organizer borne all the charges. Members were not even aware of such costs.

Did I mentioned that it is mostly a one man effort on the part of the organizer? He took up all the necessary roles to make the event a successful one. I could only offer help in a very small way.

Face with such lukewarm attitude and uncooperative members, I really admire the stamina of the organizer to see it to the end. He really put up tremendous time, effort and costs to organize the event. I would have given up long ago.

If not for the persistence and insistence of the organizer, this even would have ended up cancelled. I must really complement the organizer.

As for the members, some could not even imagine that they could complete the challenge. In the end, they completed the whole challenge. It is the training that builds up the ability of the members. There is not a single drop out during the actual challenge. One who have decided to take only part of the challenge actually complete the whole challenge. At least for these members, the organizer's effort is not wasted.

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