Tuesday, February 07, 2017


A lot of people said that the Bible does not say anything about abortion. Indeed there is no specific mention of abortion as the population before 1st century is sparse. In today's world, the population is 7.4 billion as at August 2016 (Wikipedia). Heavy pollution occurs in hugely populated cities. More and more forests have been cleared for human habitation and food cultivation. More species have gone extinct. What then is the Christian point of view in abortion.

Roman Catholic prohibits abortion. They probably based on  Exodus 21:23, Deut 5:17, Gen 25:21-22, Psalm 22:9-10, Psalm 139:13-16, Psalm 22:10-11. It is valid during the 1st century.

Gen 1:28. God created man to subdue and dominate over God's other creation. Does God create plants and animals so that human can destroy them?

Deut 22:6 talks about caring for the birds. You take the eggs but you don't kill the mother.

Leviticus 25:1-55 talks in length about Sabbatical year. Why is it so? Why the land need to rest?

Exodus 23:10-11 talks about letting other animals to eat.

Leviticus 19:9-10 talks about leaving some for the poor and desolate. Why not leave some for other plants and animals?

The above quotes has no relationship to abortion. What is portrayed is the need to maintain balance with the world we live in. We look at human as more important than environment. We multiply so much so that nature have to give way to support human. This is not what "subdue and dominate" means.

In our effort to support humans, we destroy vast stretches of forest. We produced vast amounts of rubbish. We pollute many rivers and seas. We over fished. We don't allow earth to replenish itself. Is this what the Bible taught us to do?

The only way to live in balance with environment is to control the human population.

Abortion is not the best way to control human population.  The best way is contraception. Abortion comes about due to bad human behavior and ignorance. There is no need for abortion if the proper preventive actions were taken. But due to unforeseen circumstances, there is a need for abortion. It must not be a norm. It should be under exceptions.

There are a lot of arguments about at which stage of pregnancy should abortions be prohibited. I think it should be very early stage. It is cruel to abort when the baby is well formed.

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