Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cycling compared to programming

Cycling is like programming. There are several similarities.

Starts with getting a bicycleStarts with choosing a programming language
Choose appropriate cycling gearChoose platform, coding tool
Choose a routePlanning programming strategy
Ensure that the route is doableEnsure that the program can be done
Faces challenges like Sun, Rain, Wind, and HillsFaces challenges like no library, no functionality, and no capability
FatigueMind block
overcome obstacles like road closureOvercome program flow issue
Need to rest and refuel with foodNeed to take a break
Alert to dangersAvoid programming loopholes
Friendly to other usersUse comments to make it easier to debug by others
Goes continuously without giving upSystematic programming step by step
Looking at whats in front rather than how far to goLook at the challenges on hand and not how many challenges to go
Satisfaction after completionSatisfaction to see the program working

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