Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Javascript Class

I have been writing Javascript codes for a long time. Although there is this "class" thing in Javascript, I have never come close to need to use it. However, recent coding requirements forced me to look at it closer.

There is a web page that needs to mark a check box list upon selecting a product from a drop down list. Each product has a specific list of items that need to be checked. Normally I would retrieve all the products and their items and make them into an associative array. When user selects a product the items tagged with the product will then populate the checkbox accordingly.

However, the products are duplicated with different plans. This means that I have to have a multi-dimension arrays. Now, if the data is huge, then my web page loading will be slow. So I though why not use "Ajax" technology to retrieve only the particular checkbox list. As it goes, everything goes smoothly with a slight delay as the data need to be retrieved across the network.

When the next request to amend the web page with the ability to check for duplicate product entry, I was thinking of not submitting the form then check for duplicates as I need to fill the form with user's submitted content should duplicates occur. Thus, the best choice is to just check for duplicates using "Ajax". I am faced with having to double coding of the same "Ajax" script. The script is tailored to a single process and is not adaptive to another process.

Since the basic codes are generic and only certain parameters like URL and Callback functions need to be specific, I though why not create an "Ajax" class to create instances of the Ajax codes so that I could use a single code with different callbacks to do the job. After all, only the URL and callbacks are process specific.

Thus, I began the learning of the "class" in Javascript. As it turn out, Javascript don't actually have "class". It only have "objects". However, the object behaves quite similar to "class". The "class" constructor is actually an "object" constructor. Basically the "class" is a "function" object.

function mySpecie(){


You create and instance of the function by

myInstane = new mySpecie();

Well, normally you will never need to create instances of the function since I could call the function and just pass parameters to it. However, there is always a need to set certain parameters that does not change. For example, I need to store particulars of a group of species. Instead of having to define that they are humans one by one, I could have set globally that the species is "human" then I can concentrate on the particulars that are specific to the species. Now simple functions can't store parameters. It has to be passed as parameters every time.

There is a way to set certain paramaters as fixed values in the function. This is done by the keyword "this".

function mySpecie(){

In this way, you don't have to set the name and sex every time you call the function. Nice huh! What if I need to add/change ad hoc information during the running of the program? A "Class" has this ability to do it right? Javascript has this thing called "prototype" in functions. You could add or change any values to the function at anytime and it will remember the values when you call the function. You can set the values by

mySpecie.prototype.specieType = "notHuman"

So whenever you call the instance of mySpecie, you get to have the setting of specieType as "notHuman" instead.

In other words, you could set and change the parameters as and when you like.

As it goes, "class" can have functions. Well, Javascript can also have function in functions.

function mySpecie(){
this.hello = function(){
echo (this.name)
myInstanc=new mySpecie();

When you set "myInstance.hello()", you get the reply as "Jon".

I also learn that you can set multiple parameter values without having to keep defining "prototype".

mySpecie.prototype = {
name : "Jon",
hello : function (){
echo (this.name)

One other thing I learn is that I could create a function and pass this function as part of the class.

function hello{
echo "Hi";
myInstace.prototype.hello = hello

Actually I could easily pass the function as a function parameter into the instance on the run. All I need to do is to set the instance's value "var hello=hello".


With the above methods, I could pass the function into the instance and use it as part of the class.

It is certainly easy now to use multiple instances of "Ajax". I could create the class and then set the URL and callback accordingly and still use one set of code. All I need to do is pass the parameters to the instances of "Ajax" class.

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